Union Office

Local 2782 Office

AFGE Local 2782
p.o. box 130 Suitland, MD 20746

AFGE Local 2782

Johnny Zuagar - Local 2782 President

Laverne Byrd- 1st Vice President

Edward Hill- 2nd Vice President

Demetra Wallace  3rd Vice President

Lois Moore - Treasurer

 Natasha Rozier -  Assistant Treasurer

 Angela Andrade -Secretary

Catherine Schmitt Assistant Secretary

Linda Olds - Chief Steward

Frank Silberstein- Chief Steward

District Office

AFGE 14th District
80 M St SE Suite 340
Washington, DC 20003

Phone: (202) 639-6447
Fax: (202) 464-5089
AFGE District 14


 Ottis Johnson Jr., National Vice-President


National Office

American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO
80 F St NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone (202) 639-6435 Fax: (202) 464-5089


Everette Kelley  National President

Eric Bunn, National Secretary Treasurer

Jeremy A. Lannan, National Vice President of Women's and Fair Practices





last update: February 2021







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