manuals & educational tools

labor agreement (pdf)
agreement between the census bureau and the exclusive representation of its bargaining unit, local 2782, afge.

constitution & rules (pdf)
afge constitution and rules as adopted in august 2006.

Local 2782 constitution & rules (pdf) the by-laws and constitution for Local 2782 approved February 4, 2000.

stewards’ manual (pdf)
the local afge steward is the key person in afge. while many members may not personally know afge's national officers, or even their local officers, chances are that most know their stewards (especially if they've needed help) and see them on the job daily. because of the steward's high visibility, the example he or she sets will, by and large, determine what the local's members think of afge as a union. if the steward does a good job of protecting members' rights, then the local's members will feel secure with afge.

eeo & diversity policy (pdf)
the american federation of government employees (afge) strives to create and maintain a community in which people are treated fairly and equitably with dignity, decency and respect. afge's environment must be characterized by diversity, mutual trust, freedom of inquiry and expression appropriate for the workplace, and absent of intimidation, oppression, exploitation, harassment or retaliation. members and employees of afge and local/council affiliates must be able to work together in a safe and discrimination free environment. (policy as adopted by the nec on june 23, 2001)

eeo workbook (pdf)
a guide for afge representatives on fighting discrimination in the federal government.

afge strategic plan (pdf)
for several conventions, afge has engaged in discussions about building a stronger union so that we can properly represent our members' interests in the years ahead. since 1998, the afge national executive council has been engaged in a strategic planning process. as part of that process, on several occasions it has included the bargaining council presidents in its deliberations. additional ideas have come from local leaders through district meetings, future forums and leadership conferences.

election manual (pdf)
the national executive council of the american federation of government employees has approved this election manual to assist afge locals in conducting fair and proper elections. this manual primarily focuses on manual ballot elections at membership meetings. however, most of these steps also are applicable to mail ballot elections.

workers compensation booklet (pdf)
this booklet is a concise explanation of what to do when you are injured at work or become ill as a result of your work. it is meant to help you understand the system and how it works, as well as your rights and responsibilities.





last update: august 9, 2016
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